Friday, December 21, 2018

Celilo, Oregon

July 6-7 2018 Sunny and warm
Mileage 54596

          Departed Mt Spokane State Park and we drove separate as the road was steep downgrade and narrow with tight curves. We hooked up at the gas station in Spokane.

Continuing our journey we wanted to follow the Columbia River across the state of Oregon. We connected with the river at Umatilla, Oregon and followed it to Celilo where we found a free campsite right on the river.

Tinder dry grass at Dalles, Oregon

Celilo camp along I-84

          The area all along the river was very dry and the grasses were brown and in danger of catching fire. Normally the Celilo Park is a lush green area in this typically dry place. But the sprinkler pump that picked up river water for the park had broken and this park was also brown.

Downtown Dalles
 Mt Hood from the Interstate 84 by Dalles
Mt Hood

          Saturday we traveled into Dalles and visited the Chamber office to get tourist information. They told us to try Cousins restaurant as it was a good place to eat. So we went, and when we sat the waitress came by the table and said” Hello cousins”.  I had breakfast and Sherry had broasted chicken. We toured the town and then went to the grocery to resupply. Back to the RV we put out the awning and got out our chairs to keep cool. We moved over to the shade of the trees where there was more breeze and enjoyed the afternoon.

          This area is typically windy and is a gathering place for Sail boarders. We were entertained by these individuals on both afternoons and evenings. There was one barge that came down the river and the railroad bridge just upstream from us had to be raised to allow passage.

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