January 1 through 3
Arrived at
Lagoons RV Resort in Rockport Texas on January 1st and it rained for three
days. Cold weather ( 60 degrees) kept us inside or driving around. We got the
Rockport Beach Pass and did some shopping.
Went to church at RV
park pavilion and enjoyed gospel singer Brian Arnold as he gave testimony and
played and sang songs. He was here last January and we really enjoy his music. His sound man Dan Lyming just released a new
CD so we bought one of Brian’s and one of Dan’s. We have enjoyed listening to
them both. We also had some fellowship with other RVers. The whole town of
Rockport lost power for two hours on January 2nd. We did not know
why but were really happy the power came back on so quickly.
January 4 through 9
We went to Port
Aransas and had breakfast at San Juan Restaurant. Great food with large
portions, inexpensive we recommend this good place to eat. We then picked up
our annual beach pass and drove the beach and watched cart boarders being
pulled along with large sail kites. One thing we like about this area are the
big ships we see in the Intercoastal Waterway alongside the beach park. We then
went to Roberts Point Park and watched the dolphins play and feed. This is the Intercoastal Waterway and the ships and ferry boats stir the water and make excellent feeding grounds
for the dolphins. When we returned to Lagoons we set out with the neighbors and
enjoyed Happy Hour.
We paid our lot
rent for January and elected not to add cable tv and later I couldn’t stand the
poor reception and added the cable to the system.
Jay wanted to
explore the Mission river fishing site between Bayview and Refugio so we drove
to the site. You could fish at this point but looked like you would be better
off with a boat. While on the way there we drove through Bayview and saw a
property for sale. This house is listed on the Texas Historic places and was
the former home of John and Nancy Wood. He was a merchant who enlisted in the
Texas revolution force and moved to Texas in 1834. After the original house was
destroyed by fire this house was built to replace the one that was lost.
Lagoons activity
director Pat Roberts has an informational meeting every Thursday to give
updates on everything from what is happening in the area to park business.
There is a drawing with prizes for attendance and also a fifty fifty drawing is
held. We ate at the RV park café on the 6th and then saw a movie
Daddy’s Home at Rockport Cinema. We also toured the Rockport Art Gallery and
saw several paintings, this is a great place for local artists to display and
work on projects.
Jan 7th
we rode our bikes down the bike trail and then took Daisy bug to a local restaurant
Paradise Key where Sherry had a fish dinner and I had an Oyster po-boy
sandwich. The Key Lime pie is great to follow the meal, so we splurged and
split a piece. We fixed shrimp on the grill for supper.
Jan 8th
we went for a seven mile bike ride along the bike trail and out to the Memorial
park bike paths. We picked up Salmon cakes at the local HEB grocery to fix for
supper. We sat out with neighbors for Happy Hour and attended the Gospel fest
in the evening.
Jan 9th
Sherry wanted to eat at one of her favorite restaurants in Port Aransas
(Virginias). This restaurant has water views with large glass garage doors that
can be opened weather permitting. This day the temperature was 64 degrees so
they remained shut. Sherry had a Campechana Cocktail that she really liked.
drove the beach and again watched the Dolphins. I should mention every time you
visit Port Aransas you cross a ferry with your vehicle, while it doesn’t cost
anything you can get caught in traffic and should expect to spend some time
waiting for the ride. This is part of the adventure and we enjoy the scenery
while waiting. They have moved an oil rig to storage alongside of the ferry
landing and you can get a great view of how big these rigs really are when so
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