I left Blackwater River State park on March 5 and traveled north through the pan handle of Florida and on to Huntsville Alabama. I stayed two nights at the NASA Rocket and Space center. This is where they hold Space Camp for aspiring astronauts. These kids and adults spend time in confined space and are subjected to a program of space training and projects. There is a really nice museum here of all rockets and military devices. I really enjoyed spending time at the museum and learned lots about the space engineering. Since I was camping a the space center I was interested in the Air Stream trailer that was converted to an air tight vessel to insure no space bugs were brought back form the moon trips. This vessel was self contained and the astronauts were quarantined here until it was safe to let them back amongst the public. There were two Saturn 5 rocket ships that also caught my attention, These were BIG and one was on the outside of the newest building. The other was on display upstairs in the museum. It was on a suspended steel structure and was laid down and covered most of the building which was about 300 feet long. There were lots of displays in this building along with the Air Stream I mentioned earlier.
The campground was nice and I stayed here for two nights. The rate for full hook up was $20 per night. There were what I thought were flowers blooming in several trees around the campground. However upon investigation they were parachutes of rockets that the space camp had set off and some landed in the trees. I picked up a couple of spent rockets and brought them back to Indiana with me, I am not sure what I will do with these but the guys at the Town Barn enjoyed the story.
When I left Huntsville I had planed on staying in Nashville or Louisville for a couple of days but I was anxious to get home so I just drove straight through and arrived home on Saturday after driving the 600 miles. I was tired and shaking but I recovered.
Pictures of Rocket and Space center.
Smaller rocket I think this was an Apollo rocket
International Space center mock up
Military rockets
In the picture above this I am standing by the trash can on right
You can see the rocket engine over my head to the left.
Davidson center upstairs |
Air stream quarantine trailer.
Ride that simulates take off of rocket 4G's applied.
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