Mom and Bennie
Great Picture of these two
I spent most of the day visiting with Nancy and Bennie, I arrived at the condo a little before 7 am and we were on the way to the Destin Snowbird meeting soon after. We stopped for a quick breakfast at McDonald's and then on to the community center.
After finding our seats we waited and visited while the band tuned up. Soon it was time for the announcements. The president was first to rise to the podium and she welcomed everyone then introduced a song leader who led up in O CANADA and then THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER. It was warming to see all of these old folks remove their baseball caps hold their hands over there hearts and sing while looking at the flag.
The entertainment came next with a group of students from a local university. The played jazz and had both a female and male vocalist pretty good music. After the entertainment we were entertained by the committee who was in charge of door prizes. When we entered we all signed our names and placed the folded ticket in a plastic container. Bennie won a $10 gift certificate to Moes Southwest grill.
After we left the community center we traveled to the Library. I read the newspapers while Mom turned in her library card and browsed around. She will definitely get a renewal card next year as she really enjoyed both the video and books this year.
Inside the Destin Library
We saw a Dolphin breaching here today
Along the board walk Destin Fl
We went for a stroll along the Harbor walk and looked at all the shops, boats and water. There were several fishing trips and site seeing opportunities. Waves were about 10 ft out in the gulf and were crashing on the outer sea wall. The weather had cooled down but at least it wasn't raining.
After the board walk we went to see the movie Safe Harbor based on the book by Nicholas Sparks. This was chick flic but has a storyline that was interesting. I liked the movie and would recommend it to my friends.
I have one more night at Rocky Bayou SP and will be packing up on Feb 28 unless the weather is so bad in Indiana I decide to stay a while longer. Daisy is waiting for me to drive her home.