Before I forget I need to tell you about going through Louisville, Ky. Lola the lying GPS told me we had a traffic delay ahead about at the bridge over the Ohio river on I 65. She said to avoid delay to take the exit before the bridge and go the alternate route. I knew better but I couldn't help myself and listened to her advise. She had said there was about a 12 minute delay in traffic on I 65. Anyway I took the exit and after nine hairpin turns in the center lane with traffic on both sides of Ms Daisy I was in line for the alternate bridge on US 31. I waited in a line of traffic through three traffic signals that were being controlled by police personnel at each intersection. This took me about 40 minutes of white knuckles on the steering wheel. After crossing the river I was able to get back on to I 65 without much trouble.
Bass Pro Shop at Nashville, TN
Small Mouth Bass in Bass Pro Aquarium
I traveled from Columbus, IN to Home on Saturday ending this adventure with Ms Daisy. In total I Ms Daisy and I traveled about 3000 miles on this trip. We had a great time and hope to be able to take another trip together soon.
Until then I will be.............. thinking about Driving Ms Daisy:}